When I insert an EndNote citation with CWYW into a MS Word document, a message appears: EndNote Error.
This error can have different causes. If you are unsure what you are doing, please consult your EndNote application support team before changing or resetting any setting.
Please see below two (of many) different and frequently seen causes for this error:
- In EndNote select Edit>Preferences (Windows) or EndNote menu and Preferences (Mac)
- Select the 'Folder Locations' option
- Click on the 'EndNote Defaults' button and select Yes
- Click Apply and OK
It should then allow you to insert references in Word (it may be worthwhile restarting Word and EndNote).
If you have converted your records from a third party application (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero) not correctly to EndNote [e.g., author names are replaced by a semicolon (;) ], then you may encounter the following message when trying to insert citations with EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW): EndNote Error. This means that EndNote can not locate the correct record in your EndNote Library.
You can use the 'How can I transfer records from Mendeley Desktop to EndNote' FAQ item to transfer your records correctly.