The world is fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic and we wish you, your families and friends all the best. Many thanks to all the health care professionals risking their life to save ours. Throughout the world, tens of thousands of researchers, lab analysts and librarians are working hard to do research, input data, analyze RNA, measure virus loads, track virus spreads, review literature hoping to find potential medication and vaccines. A big thank you to all of them as well. Since EndNote plays a pivotal role in the whole research literature gathering, analysis and manuscript writing we hope to enlighten your life in a very small and insignificant way, by offering you some update information on EndNote, providing you with a few important literature related links and showing you a way to visualize your EndNote data possibly to discover new insights. We sincerely hope that the importance of research, scientific facts and knowledge has landed everywhere and that you and your research teams get the deserved support and financial funding.
Why EndNote X9.3.x has been released and why is there a transition to 64-bit technology?
As you may be aware, Apple has released macOS 10.15 Catalina. Apple has made the decision to drop all 32-bit application support with this release, which impacted EndNote X9 for Mac and in the end also EndNote X9 for Windows. You can read more at Apple’s knowledge base article here:
Steps to follow as a precaution and preparing the EndNote X9.3.x conversion
Starting with EndNote X9.3.x if your end users open a library, EndNote will ask you to convert your library to the new X9.3.x format. Although the existing library will not be touched, it is wise to prepare for the conversion to avoid any conversion hiccups BEFORE UPDATING OR UPGRADING ENDNOTE TO VERSION X9.3.x. Read the recommended pre-conversion steps here. Before, following the steps mentioned, backup your library or libraries via Endote or manually first. Please see How can I (manually) backup my library?
Release notes EndNote X9.3.x for Windows and Mac
The full release notes for both EndNote X9.3.3 Mac and X9.3.3 Windows can be found here. The most important changes are a new database engine to comply with Apple’s 64-bit compatibility requirements, Dark Mode support and modernized and updated Unicode support.
EndNote X9.x Update to X9.3.x or higher and Upgrade EndNote X7 or X8 or higher to X9.3.x or higher.
If your organization has a Site/Campus License or a Multi-user license for EndNote, your IT colleagues will have received instructions how to download the latest EndNote X9.3.x files and probably they will instruct you accordingly. If you are a stand-alone user or if your IT has allowed you to install updates, you would want to follow the update routine available in EndNote. Start EndNote and go to 'Help (Windows) or EndNote (Mac) > Check for Updates' to initiate the update to version X9.3.x. If you and your organization are still on version X7 or X8, write down your serial number ('Help (Windows) or EndNote X9 (Mac) > About EndNote) and ask your IT staff for the Multi-user license upgrade or please upgrade your EndNote X7 or X8 stand-alone edition to EndNote X9.
EndNote version X6 or lower and the move to EndNote X9.3.x or higher
If your EndNote is EndNote X6 or older please tell your IT staff that your version is almost 10 years old (for humans around 100 years) or buy the full stand-alone license EndNote X9.
Register and create an EndNote Online account and share your library using your EndNote Online account between different devices and/or with your colleagues
Now working from home to avoid unnecessary traveling is unavoidable, it might be wise to provide you with the link to our web page where there is a step-by-step instruction to setup your EndNote Online account. This EndNote Online account can be used to keep your own library in Sync between different devices (Work and home pc or notebook, but also between for instance an iPhone or iPad and your Mac or Windows PC). As the owner of this 'Sync' library, you can also use this EndNote Online account to share your 'Sync' library in 'read-only' or 'read-write' mode with 99 other colleagues.
Corona virus and Covid-19 related research literature online
Off course there are many sources where you may obtain the newest literature updates regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some we would like to share.
- EndNote itself has the ability to do Online search directly in hundreds of online sources. Just choose 'Tools > Online Search' and choose to connect for example to PubMed (NLM) or Web of Science (WoS). Once you have retrieved the right references and sorted them out, right mouse click the ones you would like to keep and send them to your library. This can be immediately followed by a right mouse click and 'Find Full-text' to retrieve the full-text PDFs (if available).
- The World Health Organization (WHO) is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and compiling it in a database. We are processing these database outputs and import the RIS-file in a ready-to-use EndNote library. You can download and immediately use the compressed library from our web page.
- The National Library of Medicine (NLM the publisher of PubMed, Medline and many more) has launched a COVID-19 specific web site. You can download the RIS formatted file from these pages (also from the previously mentioned WHO page) and import the file to EndNote via 'File > Import File'. The 'Import Option' should be 'Reference Manager (RIS)'.
- Dr. Lansberg, a good friend, a physician and a cholesterol specialist, has a new literature update service. His service lists all published materials nicely categorized on subject. Here you can see the COVID-19 publications - Week 20 2020. If desired you may subscribe to the weekly updates here.
Visualize your EndNote data with VOSviewer
Leiden University's Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) offers a range of VOSviewer-based products. The VOSviewer is an excellent tool to visualize and discover the importance of terms in your EndNote library exports. You can download the VOSviewer here. As an example, below are the density and the network visualizations of keywords available in the sample (RefMan RIS) export of the EndNote X9 sample library.

How to export a RIS file and import it into VOSviewer to create visualizations?
- Start EndNote X9
- If needed, make a selection of your references for export.
- File > Export
- Choose a location to save the file and choose a 'File name', can be something like 'export-ris-format.ris' (you may use .ris extension now or rename it later to .ris extension!).
- Save as type: Text File (*.txt)
- Output style: Click 'Select Another Style...' and choose 'RefMan (RIS) Export'.
- Depending on your choice at item 2 above, leave checked or uncheck 'Export Selected References'.
- Click 'Save' to save the file to the folder chosen at 4. Please mind the extension (.ris). This file will be used to import into VOSviewer.
- Download and install the VOSviewer.
- Choose Network, Overlay or Density Visualization and follow for example the steps:
'Create > Create a map based on bibliographic data > Read data from reference manager files > e.g. RIS (EndNote is another option and may require another formatted export!) > find the exported RIS file and 'Next' and choose for instance 'Co-occurrence' and Keywords > Next > Finish'.
There are many settings, please see for all details the the VOSviewer manual and other sources of information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Please respect our support policy: As a Preferred Distribution Partner we are a true partner with expertise in regional training and a support team dedicated to EndNote and committed to the service of our customers. To avoid disappointments in the future, please be aware that we only provide our excellent and dedicated local support to customers who have purchased their licenses directly from us DISC bv -
Kind regards,
Suat Tuzgöl, Managing Director
+31 (0)88 547 1855