When EndNote is installed, by default only the most 'popular' connection files are installed.
Connection Files can be available on two places:
1. Generic for all users the default (non editable location) is the installation folder and sub folder 'Connections' (e.g. for Windows: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X9\Connections\' and for Mac: 'Applications/EndNote X9/Connections').
2. Customized ('Save as'), user specific files will be stored in the folder which is defined in the folder on Windows: 'Edit > Preferences > Folder Locations > Connections' and on Mac: 'EndNote> Preferences > Folder Locations > Connections'.
To download other connection files, you can choose one of the following instructions:
1. You can download all connection files if you select ‘Custom’ option during EndNote installation.
2. If you completed EndNote installation, ‘Typical’ option is selected and you want to download all connection files:
- Windows 8.x: Go to 'Control Panel>Programs and Features'. Select EndNote and choose 'Change'. Select the 'Modify Option' and click 'Next'.
Windows 10: Go to 'Settings > Apps & Features' and select EndNote. Click 'Modify' and click 'Next'. - Place a check next to 'Additional Connections' and choose 'Will be installed on local hard drive'. Click the plus sign to select only specific connections. Click 'Next'.
Mac OS:
- In EndNote, go to 'Menu' and choose 'Customizer'.
- Place a check next to all of the 'Connections' you’d like.
- Click 'Next' twice and 'Done' to close the window.
3. If you completed EndNote installation, ‘Typical’ option is selected and you want to download one of connection files:
- Run ‘EndNote’
- From the Edit menu, choose ‘Connection Files/Open Connection Manager…’
- Click ‘Get More on the Web…’ buton from ‘EndNote Connection Files’ window
- For download one of connection files, you can use download links from the list below on this page.
And then you can use these files after copy to
Windows: ‘C:\Program Files\EndNote X9\Connections’ folder
Mac:'Applications\EndNote X9\Connections' folder.or
- Double-click the connections file to open in EndNote.
- In EndNote, click 'File Menu' and choose 'Save as'. Remove the word 'copy' and click 'Save'.
- Click on 'File Menu' and choose 'Close Connection'.
4. If you completed EndNote installation, ‘Typical’ option is selected and you want to download one of connection files:
- Go to http://endnote.com/downloads/connections web page.
- For download one of connection files, you can use download links from the list below on this page.
And then you can use these files after copy to
Windows: ‘C:\Program Files\EndNote X9\Connections’ folder
Mac:'Applications\EndNote X9\Connections' folder.or
- Double-click the connections file to open in EndNote.
- In EndNote, click 'File Menu' and choose 'Save as'. Remove the word 'copy' and click 'Save'.
- Click on 'File Menu' and choose 'Close Connection'.