How to add EndNote 21 Cite While You Write (CWYW) add-on in Google Docs via Marketplace

How to add EndNote 21 Cite While You Write (CWYW) add-on in Google Docs via Marketplace:

Open Google Docs

  1. Navigate to
    • Extensions
    • Add-ons
    • Get add-ons
  2. Search for: ‘EndNote’ of ‘cite while you write’ (Extension is named  ‘EndNote Cite While You Write™’)
  3. Click on the EndNote tile to open
  4. Click Install
  5. Review Terms & Conditions and privacy policy and click Continue to proceed.
  6. Sign into your Google account and allow ‘EndNote Cite While You Write™’ access to your Google account.
  7. Create a new document and open EndNote Cite While You Write Extension. ‘Open’ link may take a moment to appear, this is a function of Google.

Note: Security alert emails will be sent to the email account associated with the Google account; these are standard to notify access was granted to EndNote’s CWYW. Users may review activity and take action, if needed.

Important: For customers to log into CWYW in Google Docs, they must have an EndNote 21 enabled EndNote Web account. To activate their web account in EndNote 21, the user should go to ‘EndNote 21/Edit > Preferences > Sync > Enable Sync’.



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