How can I transfer records from Refworks to EndNote?

Database Conversion:

In Refworks:

  1. Select the records you wish to export. All References, My List or a specific Folder or a search result.
  2. Click menu 'Share > Export'.
  3. Select from the 'From' screen 'All references' in 'All References'' or 'Selected references in 'All References''.
  4. Select in the 'Format' screen the option 'RIS Format'.

    RefWorks export references in RIS Format
  5. Click the 'Export' button.
  6. Save your references to a text file (for example, 'export.ris' or 'MyCollection.txt') by selecting the 'Save File' option.

You will end up with a file titled 'export.ris' or 'MyCollection.txt' (usually in the Downloads folder).

In EndNote:

  1. Click the File menu > New to create a new library.
  2. Click on the File menu > Import > File.
  3. Click Choose and browse to the 'export.ris' or 'MyCollection.txt' file you saved and click Open.
  4. Change the Import option to Reference Manager (RIS).
  5. Click Import.

If you create a group or a smart group first and select the group, you may also import the exported RIS formatted file to the specific selected folder.

This will import your Refworks records from your Refworks collection into this new EndNote library.

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