EndNote online: Unicode Support

EndNote online is designed to display and format Unicode characters in most languages. Some known limitations currently exist with importing, searching, and sorting for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters; see below for specifics. We will continue to improve Unicode support in future releases.

  • Searching an EndNote online library using the Cite-While-You-Write Find Citation(s) command in Microsoft Word fails when searching for Japanese characters.
  • Quick Search does not support left-hand truncation.
  • Quick Search requires an asterisk following single character searches for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters.
  • Quick Search fails to consistently find references when using one or two Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters and an asterisk if the phrase is less than three characters.
  • Quick Search fails to find Chinese, Japanese, or Korean phrases in double quotes if the complete phrase is less than three characters.
  • Online Search of Z39.50 resources fails when searching for Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters.
  • Format Paper does not support Unicode.
  • Importing text that includes Chinese, Japanese, or Korean author names may add an extraneous comma to the end of the author name.
  • EndNote Web account registration does not recognize an email address that includes Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters.
  • Formatted HTML files use UTF-8 encoding. Shift JIS encoding is not supported at this time.
  • Sorting is based on Unicode sort. Localized language sort are not supported at this time.
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