Before going into the details of the newest EndNote X8.2 Mac and Windows release and how to obtain it, we would like to point you to a few important items in the lower parts of this newsletter:
- Why to upgrade from EndNote X7 to X8.
- Automatically Find Full Text PDF's, PDF import and Management
- Conflicting third party add-ins and 'Cannot edit range' error.
- Merging chapters into one large merged document and the best way to handle citations and section and end bibliographies.
EndNote X8.2 Mac and Windows releases
EndNote X8.2 for Windows and Mac have been released on January 9, 2018 (Windows) and January 23, 2018 (Mac). EndNote X8.2 is now also compatible with MS Word 16.x for Mac and macOS High Sierra (10.13.x).
The update contains new functionalities and fixes. For a full overview, please see the historic release notes on our website.
For our EndNote X7 or X6 licensees, this would be a perfect moment to upgrade to EndNote X8.2. Please buy the EndNote X8.2 Upgrade Download now in our web shop.
Still using an EndNote X5 or lower version of EndNote or Reference Manager 12? You are strongly adviced to move to EndNote X8.2. Please buy EndNote X8.2 Full Download today in our web store.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We're here to help you.
How to obtain EndNote X8.2 Windows - For EndNote X8 Windows licensees
- Once you start EndNote X8 Windows, you will see a popup screen. Following the popup screen instructions will update EndNote to version X8.2 Windows. This will be the route if you have not disabled the popup screen and if you have allowed update installations.
- You may also choose 'Help > Check for Updates...' via the menu.
- Alternatively, log on to our shop and download EndNote X8 once again via your Account.
If you have a licensed version, both options will not require any product key entry.
In case you have installed MS Word after you have installed EndNote X8 Windows, please run 'Configure EndNote' to install and register the EndNote X8 Cite While You Write add-in for MS Word 2016. The default path is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8\Configure EndNote.exe'.
How to obtain EndNote X8.2 Mac - For EndNote X8 Mac licensees
- Once you start EndNote X8 Mac, you will see a popup screen. Following the popup screen instructions will update EndNote to version X8.2 Mac. This will be the route if you have not disabled the popup screen and if you have allowed update installations.
- You may also choose 'EndNote X8 > Check for Updates...' via the menu.
- Alternatively, log on to our shop and download EndNote X8 once again via your Account.
If you have a licensed version, both options will not require any product key entry.
In case you have installed MS Word after you have installed EndNote X8 Mac, please run 'Customizer' to install and register the EndNote X8 Cite While You Write add-in for MS Word 2016. Start EndNote and choose 'from the menu 'EndNote > Customizer'.
Why to upgrade from EndNote X6 or X7 to X8 or buy the full version of EndNote X8
There are a few reasons why this is a suitable moment to go to the newest version:
- Mac users: EndNote X8.2 is compatible with Mac OS High Sierra and (the official release of) MS Word 2016 version 16.9.
- Users who like to combine the usage EndNote desktop and EndNote Online usage and planning to maintain their access to EndNote Online (unlimited version) two years after their first registration.
- Any older version of EndNote: The initial EndNote X7.0 has been released in May 2013. The current and last version is X7.7.1, released October 2016. Please upgrade to keep up compatibility with the newest operating systems and word processors.
EndNote X7 or X6 licensees may upgrade to EndNote X8.2. Please buy the EndNote X8.2 Upgrade Download.
Still using an EndNote X5 or lower version of EndNote or Reference Manager 12? You are strongly adviced to move to EndNote X8.2. Please buy EndNote X8.2 full Download today.
Automatically Find Full Text PDF's, PDF Import & Management
We still encounter end users who seem not to realize that EndNote has a few nice features to minimize hassle of manual reference entries and finding full text PDF's:
For simple and complex tasks we would like to point you to our EndNote Practical Guide and our Training Guides.
Find Reference Updates: Select one or more references and update your reference data with a right mouse click.
Find Full text: Select one or more references and find the full text PDF's with a right mouse click (if available for free or if you or your institution library has subscription access to PDF's). Adjust your PDF Management and auto-import folder settings via 'Edit > Preferences > PDF Handling or Find Full Text'.
Conflicting third party add-ins and 'Cannot edit range' error
Some third party add-ins are causing the EndNote Cite While You Write add-in error. When inserting an EndNote X8 citation in a MS Word document you will get the error: 'Cannot edit range'. See here how to resolve this issue.
Merging chapters into one large merged document and the best way to handle citations and section and end bibliographies
There are many ways to merge chapters into a full merged document.
A few things to keep in mind before starting merging documents (and in-text citations and bibliographies).
- Make sure the Output style you are using has a definition for 'Sections'. First, check which style you are using in MS Word. Go to the EndNote X8 toolbar and there you will find the Style name (e.g., APA 6th Sections).
Start EndNote > Edit > Output Styles > Open style Manager (the last ones used/edited are already shown)
Lookup your style ((e.g., APA 6th Sections), select it and click the 'Edit' button (right bottom of screen).
Once you have opened the Style, click the item 'Sections'. Adjust the per section citations and bibliography setting for each section and document.
Save the customized style. You will be forced to rename the style and it will be saved in your 'private' folder (see EndNote > Edit > Preferences > Folder Locations > Styles). This style will be automatically loaded together with the default styles set once you restart EndNote and/or MS Word.
- Now go to your chapters document files. Make a nice backup of all chapters. If needed, you will be able to go back to these backups.
Open one of the chapters and do the following 'MS Word > EndNote X8 toolbar > Convert Citations and Bibliography (dropdown menu) > Convert to unformatted Citations'. Now your in-text citations will be converted to 'plain text' in the format {author, date #RecordID}.
Save this chapter document with a new name and put '_unformatted' in the name (e.g., chapter1_unformatted').
Repeat this for all chapter files.
- Now you may merge all 'unformatted' chapter documents into one full document.
- After the merge has been done, save your merged document. Make a backup of this document again.
- Choose the correct style (e.g., APA 6th Sections) from 'MS Word > EndNote X8 toolbar'.
- Run 'MS Word > EndNote X8 toolbar > Update Citations and Bibliography'.
- Check your section endings and the end of the document.
The key is to keep everything organized (names, folders) and to have backups before proceeding.
Visit our web site for more tips, faq, downloads, practical guides and manuals.
Enjoy using EndNote!
Kind regards,
Suat Tuzgöl, Managing Director
+31 (0)88 547 1855