MU Default instructions and download links EndNote

Default instructions and download links EndNote

Within a few minutes you will receive an email message from info[at] containing an user name and a password. If you don’t receive an email, this usually means that you have received a password in the past. You may reset your password via or change your password after login via 'Settings > Change password'. If you would like to add other management / IT email addresses to the list, please let us know.

  • Go to
  • Log in with the per email received credentials.
  • Click on menu item 'Files'. Click label 21 once at the top. With the selection labels at the top you may narrow your selection (e.g., click once 21) or broaden your selection (e.g., click 21 once again).
  • Now you will see Names, Download links, Serial Number and Product key license details. 

Optional: All licensed users may create a free EndNote Online account [EndNote 21 > Edit > Preferences > Sync]. One may also download and use EndNote for iPhone and iPad app from the Apple App store.

EndNote 21 Mac IT ADMINISTRATOR Multi User License Distribution
File name: EndNote21Installer.dmg

This EndNote 21 Mac file can be used for individual installations. Just open or double click the file. Follow the instructions on screen. The one-by-one setup requires manual entry of the product key! For mass distribution to your Mac end users, please use the above EndNote 21 Mac END USER PRE-BRANDED Multi User License Distribution.

EndNote 21 Windows Multi User License Distribution (msi, zip, incl. admin.bat)
File name:

The 'EndNote 21 Windows Multi User License Distribution' file requires special handling before distribution to the end user clients. The preparation of end user installers will take appr. 10-15 minutes of your time. For detailed instructions please see the PDF documentation (e.g., ‘English EndNote 21 Windows Multi User License Installation instructions’).

Best practice:

  1. Log in at and go to ‘Files’. 
  2. Click on the label 21 at the top of the page.
  3. Write down or copy/paste your product key (see also top of this email). To avoid illegal distribution, please do not give this product key to your end users.
  4. Download the zip file ‘EndNote 21 Windows Multi User License Distribution (msi, zip, incl. admin.bat)’.
  5. Extract/unzip this file to another folder (e.g., EndNote Multi User license user installer).
  6. Go to the folder where the extracted files reside (e.g., EndNote Multi User license user installer) via Windows Explorer or via the command prompt (DOS screen).
  7. Double click or run ‘admin.bat’.
  8. Now you will be prompted in the screen to enter details while creating the end user installer and license file. The item 'Perform administrative installation' should stay unchecked. The setup will ask your Organization name and product key. Organization name details will be incorporated into the end user client installer, therefore, please also use your MU number (useful for support requests and handling).
  9. You will be asked to enter a target folder (e.g., EndNote client installer) where the end user client installer and branded license file (‘License.dat’) will be generated and stored.
  10. After finishing the wizard please browse to the target folder (e.g., EndNote client installer) where you will find the new client installer msi and a ‘license.dat’ file. The content of this folder can be used for client setup and distribution or for individual installations.
    Once generated, the 'License.dat' file for a certain major version (e.g. 21.x) can be used with every minor version update MSI file of the same major version (e.g. 21.0.x).

The instruction PDF documents below are also available at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.