I ordered a product in your previous web shop, how can I find it back in your new web shop?

Follow these steps to retrieve your old orders:

  1. Go to shop.researchsoftware.com (or click 'Shop' at www.researchsoftware.com).
  2. Click 'Login' (header, right top). You  will be redirected to our identity provider id.esdnow.com.
  3. When you have logged in, you will be sent back to the 'My Account' shop environment (click on 'My Account' if you are on another page in the shop).
  4. Now you get to see the details of your account, orders and downloads (My orders, My wishlist and Downloads & licenses).
  5. Click on 'My orders' or 'Downloads & licenses' and scroll down to view your order(s) below the header 'Historical orders'.
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